


This website includes notes, content, videos, articles, websites, and any other thing I deem useful for the delivery of proper physics knowledge. It is important that you visit this website at least every day or every time after a physics class to check when the website has been updated.


We have five meetings a week, which means half of the time will be used for lectures while the other half is going to be used for practice. A hard following of this schedule might not be possible as some classes may require more practice and others, less. To make the classroom meetings ideal, you have to

  • participate
  • ask questions
  • answer questions


Most of the resources will be prepared by me and we will mainly be using a few different additional resources.


Most of the assignment problems would be based on questions and ideas we discuss during class, but some questions would be a little open-ended and would require thinking beyond just what we saw in class. Coincidentally, I am sure such questions will be the more fun ones.


If, at any point, you have some project in mind and you would like to collaborate or need advising, don’t hesitate to reach out!