
Blog Project Discontinued

What’s Up

It’s come to my attention that it’s a consensus among the majority that the blog project might not be in the best interests of everyone in its alignment with the national exam. I was debating with myself whether I was making the right decision regarding this matter. With that in mind, I’ve decided to halt this project as a required task as part of this class. I would still be very happy to read what you wrote and hopefully continue to write(and I’ll give extra credit to those who do), but that’s where things stand at the moment.

Nice words from Terry Tao

  • As a farewell to blog assignments, I would like to share a blog article from Terry Tao I recently read (the article itself is actually quite old) and enjoyed. It’s about staying organized and the importance of taking notes of what you do.

  • I’m fully aware that not a lot of you enjoy reading the articles I attach. Maybe the articles I share seeem boring or too redundant to you. Or maybe I’m too boring, Take a chance on this one though.


What to do now

If you choose to do so, you can still write blogs and send them to me. I will definitely be giving extracredit for your efforts. However, the blog assignment is no longer in groups.

  • If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know!
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